For carrying the package which you can not carry by your private car or the removal for the single person,
our company service will be convenience.
Besides, the cost of our service will be lower than those of removal by
Our company is based in Tokyo.
For further inquiry, pls feel free to call to our company, "Akabo Senna
Unso Co. Ltd. ATT. KOIKE "
( Mobile ; 090-5207-9383 )
Because the English is unaccustomedness, I ask for the inquiry over the telephone in Japanese.
Thank you
東村山市 小平市 西東京市 清瀬市
三鷹市 武蔵野市 稲城市 府中市
国分寺市 小金井市 立川市 東大和市
武蔵村山市 調布市 東久留米市 所沢市
狭山市 入間市 八王子市